Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Do you recognise them?

The Centre at Milton Keynes is a frequent destination choice of ours on a Sunday as it's a good place to take Lucas sun, rain or snow - though we probably wouldn't drive there is it snowed. Collectormania have held events there for a few years now and as a comic book, sci-fi, TV and film fan it is always a nice conicidence to be there for the event.

At £15 - £20 an autograph I didn't get to meet any of the stars but they were all close enough to see. I saw Amber Benson (Tara in Buffy), Morena Baccarin (Inara in Firefly) and Mecedes McNab (Harmony in Buffy and Angel)to name but a few. One I would have been tempted to meet, had he not had a 'no posed photos' sign above his head, was Michael Rosenbaum who plays Lex Luthor in the awesome Smallville, but see how different he looks:

Also looking rather different was Jeff Cohen AKA Chunk from The Goonies:

Apart from a mock SFX front cover featuring Lucas and I, I only bought a Christmas present for Denise.

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